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Arthritis is a simple word for pain in the joint (like your knee, hip, elbow, or fingers). It is a common problem and generally affects older people, although some rare conditions cause arthritis in children and teenagers; to cut a long story short, it’s quite a huge trauma living with arthritis – No one loves pain.

There are lots of forms of arthritis. Some give you short-term aches in the joints and then resolve completely; others can cause long-term problems and permanently affect your joint’s mobility. But the good news is there are treatments available for all forms of arthritis. However, the treatment will depend on the cause of arthritis. Treatments may include medicines, physiotherapy, and surgery. Some causes of arthritis only need treatment for a short time. Other causes of arthritis may need lifelong treatment. It can get so worse that surgery to replace the entire joint is the only remedy, cases like osteoarthritis that affect the hip or kneel. Arthritis conditions should not be taken with levity as arthritis-related conditions are the main cause of disability in most European countries, especially Britain, and has led to a quarter of people leaving a job or taking early retirement, according to figures from Arthritis Research UK.

Some people may worry that arthritis means they won’t work or take care of their children and their family. Others think that you just have to accept things like arthritis. Arthritis can, indeed, be painful. But there are things you can do to feel better:

Medications such as:

  • Painrelievers that are taken by mouth.
  • Creams or ointments are rubbed into the skin over sore muscles or joints to relieve pain.
  • Surgery, such as joint replacement.
  • Exerciseto reduce joint pain and stiffness. It also helps with losing weight, which reduces stress on the joints. You should speak to your doctor about a safe, well-rounded exercise program.
  • Use heat and coldtherapies to reduce joint pain and swelling.
  • Try relaxation therapy to help reduce painby learning ways to relax your muscles.
  • Use splints and braces to support weakened joints or allow them to rest. You should see your doctor to make sure your splint or brace fits well.
  • Use assistive devices, such as a cane or shoe insert, to ease the painwhen walking. Other devices can help you open a jar, close zippers, or hold pencils.


The symptoms of arthritis vary depending on the nature and severity of the underlying cause. The symptoms include:

  • Joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness.
  • Restricted movement of the joints.
  • Warmth and red skin over the affected joint.
  • Weakness and muscle wasting around the joint.
  • Pain, redness, heat, and swelling in your joints.
  • Trouble moving around
  • Weight loss.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Rash or itch.


Research suggests that the dose needed to reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis is the daily use of 2.7 grams of omega-3 bio-substance in fish oil (EPA plus DHA).

What exactly is fish oil?

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are the two fatty acids that have been studied extensively for their ability to decrease certain cardiovascular risk factors, notably blood pressure and triglycerides. Fish oil has several beneficial effects on the body, including decreasing certain kinds of inflammation. 


Treatment of Arthritis focuses on decreasing pain and improving joint movement, and may include:

  • Exercises to keep joints flexible and improve muscle strength
  • Many different medications are used to control pain, including corticosteroids and NSAIDs
  • For mild pain without inflammation, acetaminophen may be used
  • Heat/cold therapy for temporary pain relief
  • Joint protection to prevent strain or stress on painful joints
  • Surgery (sometimes) to relieve chronic pain in damaged joints
  • Weight control to prevent extra stress on weight-bearing joints
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The symptoms of arthritis vary depending on the nature and severity of the underlying cause.



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